Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Good Writer Never Stops

Photo by Denny S. Bryce

I actually thought about stopping - writing. In the years I've been writing stories, novels, books, fan fiction, I never once thought about stopping. But I'd like to blame the winter - this one has been a bitch. Too much snow. Too many conflicts and anger and frustration. I haven't had enough time to kick back and enjoy. Also, I've been so single-minded about my novel - the manuscript I submitted in July - first 30 pages and a synopsis to St. Martin's Press, I've lost some of my joy for writing, I think. I realized it the other day. I took a week off - that stretched into two weeks, and during that time, I took a look at some of my old stuff. And I discovered, or rediscovered, that I need to be less hard on myself, and here I go again, journaling, instead of writing a blog about something that's not just me.

But I'm working on having opinions and articles I'm willing to write about. I do have loads of opinions, but I feel hampered by the writer me and the working girl me.

Anyway, I've spent most of the past 24 hours watching TV. The Good Wife has been getting a lot of press and last night I watched the first episode to see what it was all about. Well, 17 episodes later (thank goodness for iTunes), I'm a fan. And once again what made me a fan? The writing. Complex characters. Unexpected decisions. And plots that just make you go - whoa! So I'm thinking fundamentals. I need to write, and worry about whether or not it's the next great whatever after I've gotten out a story. Or at least that's my mood tonight.

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